
All postings and comments are based on my personal opinion. It is purely for sharing purpose and no inducement for any buying or selling.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Stocks Prices Now and Then

Here is the comparison of prices from the day it added to my stock to watch list till now:

.........................9 Mar 07 ......17 Apr o7 ......% Diff
1. Asia Env .....0.445 ............0.72 ...............61.77
2. CG Tech .....0.7 .................0.895 ............27.85
3. CNA ............0.495 ............0.555 ............12.12
4. Rotary ........0.89 ..............1.06 ...............19.10
5. Swissco .......0.58 ..............0.76 ...............31.03
6. Yongnam ....0.25 ..............0.315 ............26.00

...........................19 Mar 07 ....17 Apr 07 .....% Diff
7. China Petro ..0.39 ..............0.535 ............37.18

...........................12 Apr 07 .....17 Apr 07 .....% Diff
8. UMS .............0.525 ............0.585 ............11.43

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