
All postings and comments are based on my personal opinion. It is purely for sharing purpose and no inducement for any buying or selling.

Saturday, October 13, 2007

A New Page to My Road to Success in Shares Investment

All this while, I've been trying to learn more about investing in shares investment, be it the strategy or the technical analysis and trying to find a method that works best for me. I've been doing some reading and examining different indicators as well. Things are progressing but may be at a slower speed.

I have a close friend whom is my remisier as well, he has been asking me to attend some courses which he had attended and thought it is very useful, but I was just a bit reluctant to go during then as I thought I'm progressing well (although a bit slow). Recently, he has again asked me to go for the MACD course and this time round, I decided to go for it as I think I may be able to learn more things and to know more people with the same interest. So I attended the course near end of last month (Sep 07). After attending the course, I regretted....I regretted that why I did not attend it much earlier, the course was so refreshing and things being taught really helps me a lot and is an eyes opening course for me as well, many things being taught were not found in most of the books but they were being tested my the trainers themselves. I'm really glad that I've attended the course.

After completing the MACD course, there is a more advance course which is on candlesticks and stochastic. I thought MACD is already good enough. I asked my friend on his opinion on this course, he told me that I should go for it as well. So I went for it early this month (Oct 07). After attending the course, I really learnt a lot of things, learnt to tell the possible "story" behind the candlestick pattern and realised how powerful candlestick is and as well as stochastic when it is being use correctly. Recently, I've made a few trades using the method that I've learnt and the result is good and consistent. Now, I've "fell in love" with the candlestick and stochastic.

Really appreciate my friend for introducing me to these courses, how I wish that I've attended it much earlier, but of course it is never too late. My new page of road to success in shares investment will start from here. Will continue to learn and explore more new and useful things in trading.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

May I know what course did you take?