
All postings and comments are based on my personal opinion. It is purely for sharing purpose and no inducement for any buying or selling.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Stock Trading Statement from Graduates of SGI High Powered Trading Course

I've been conducting courses on SGI FX Trading Course (High Powered) or SGI High Powered Trading Course since early this year. Two batches of students have completed the course and they are progressing well in both Forex and Stock Trading.

For Forex, most of them are still in demo stage as I advise them to trade in demo for at least two month before going into live.

As for Stock Trading, most are doing well. One of my students has sent me the Apr and May 09 statement and this student of mine has been very happy after attending my course. The results has been consistently great.

I've posted the statement in my blog http://sense-and-guts-forex.blogspot.com/search/label/Stock%20Trading%20Statement

I'm really very happy for this student.

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